First INRALS meeting: smashing drive and great plans!

Brussels, February 2014

During the first INRALS meeting the members present showed an immense amount of drive and enthusiasm to keep the network going and growing.

Expansion with extra quality member agencies in the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Israel, Canada, Turkey and South Africa is expected in 2014. The network thrives to be organized in an optimal way, so every country can offer both recruitment & selection and outsourcing. The members made practical arrangements that enhance cooperation and have set up taskforces to further grow in marketing, sharing the concept and business development.

The legal constitution of the network is being explored and is expected to be concluded before July. Most imminent though is the trust that grew between member states. From trust cooperation arises, which is the ideal ground to flourish. In short: a great 2 days meeting where successes were celebrated and seeds for new success have been planted. Next meeting, scheduled in November, will take place in Barcelona.
