General Assembly Munich: INRALS switching up gears

With more ambition than ever, the Members of INRALS concluded their annual General Assembly in Munich, hosted by German member agency ageneo. In the historical and productive ambiance of the Munich city centre, for two days, INRALS worked hard on its own history taking huge steps into the future ahead.

Looking back at the past years, the growing number of successful collaborations between Members is proof of the fact that INRALS fills a need in the market. The global reach of our international network is growing continuously: in 2018 we added Members in Sweden, Denmark and USA and a joint venture between two Members, CK QLS, was set up in Switzerland. Our high-quality Members fill positions for the same key account pharmaceutical companies in up to 10 different countries. Over the years INRALS Members have earned the trust of many companies for international recruitment services, so the pipeline of assignments looks very promising.

Given the maturity of INRALS, it is time to boost INRALS’ awareness and show the world what our network is capable of. We have revamped our website: showing and sharing our knowledge, news, blogs and even a selection of the vacancies of the Members are the spearheads of our plans. In this and many other ways, INRALS aims to show the added value of its network to clients and prospects.

Behind the scenes, the work will continue too: to facilitate collaborations, Members have further aligned their processes, making life as easy as possible for our clients. We are looking to expand, especially in the area of key accounts. On top of this, sharing knowledge, best practices and experience among Members remains a huge asset of the INRALS Membership, as was once again concluded at the GA. Topics like how to deal with GDPR and improving the internal communications were on the agenda. We had an interesting session with Thorsten Koletschka of Kelly Outsourcing and Consulting Group and discussed our partnership. And of course, along the way the already close personal ties between the Members were strengthened once more. INRALS is ready to switch up gears!

