INRALS General Assembly 2019: focus on further growth
December 30, 2019With further growth as the main focus, INRALS held an inspiring and fruitful yearly General Assembly in Dublin. Perfectly hosted by Irish member CareerWise Recruitment, members from around the globe convened to discuss their business and how to further develop their collaboration in serving the global life sciences recruitment market.
The assembly had a high quality opening, with a very insightful keynote by Tommy Fanning, head of Biopharmaceuticals & Food at IDA (Industrial Development Authority) Ireland. Fanning shared his insights on both the Irish and the global life sciences market. Members eagerly took the opportunity to interact on trends in life sciences and their implications for recruitment. Trends and future skills that were discussed: the ongoing automation and specialization in manufacturing; the use of data platforms in clinical; supply chain management as a key success factor; the importance of research and development and the need to keep upskilling at all time.
Packed agenda
During the GA, several themes and challenges were discussed in a packed agenda: attracting (more) candidates; involving and connecting member’s individual consultants even more; sharing information through various digital channels and means; the implementation of our consultant exchange program; the pros and cons of MSP’s and how to maintain quality and deliver successfully; the financial status of INRALS and the growth of successful collaborations among members; INRALS’s internal communication tools and a review of the marketing activities, results and plans.
Other highlights
Among the other highlights was the presentation of Ada Wu of our Chinese member agency HHCC, once more emphasizing our global reach. With growth as main focus, next, the plans to implement business development management were thoroughly discussed and the decision was made to appoint UK member Darren Spevick of Eventum Partners as INRALS Global Client Relationship Director. He will take up the task to (further) develop contacts with our key and new accounts and drive collaborations of members in international assignments and global PSLs to meet our clients recruitment needs.
Concluding this valuable meeting, as a courtesy of being a fantastic host, Ken Murphy of CareerWise Recruitment was appointed President of INRALS for the coming year. In good tradition, the final GA decision was taken after the vote for next year’s GA location: Luzern, Switzerland became the overwhelming winner. With the new energy of once more strengthened relationships, members spread out again to their respective countries to do their part in our motto: local knowledge, global reach!