INRALS welcomes HHCC (China)
June 19, 2019INRALS, the International Network of Recruitment Agencies in Life Sciences, welcomes HHCC, the new representative for China, led by miss Ada Wu.
Healthcare Human Capital Consulting, known as HHCC, is a sub-brand affiliated to Connected-R International with HQ in Shanghai. HHCC dedicates to providing end-to-end services and platform, from talent management and development solutions, employer value proposition, organization development consultancy, to business connections.
As our representative in China, HHCC is the successor of FP Life Sciences. Our former contact with FP, Vaché Petrossian, pursues his career with a different agency, not tied to INRALS. Petrossian highly recommended Ada Wu and HHCC as his successor and INRALS owes him many thanks for his contribution to the network. Local expertise, global presence: INRALS!